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Team Building - Employees perception

What people think about professional team building activities? 





What's your opinion on professional team-building courses?

The research among more than 1,200 British workers shows a certain level of apathy among UK workers.

In fact, the majority of UK employees feel that organised team-building activities can be a waste of time and they would rather get on with their jobs (34.2%). 

The term "Team Building" has been used to cover a wide variety of exercises, all intended to boost morale   and/or productivity by focusing on the folks who have the bad morale or are being unproductive. We've probably been involved in a team-building activity at some point. Perhaps it was a weekend retreat, or an afternoon at the climbing gym learning to rely on one another, or a day on the golf course getting to know everyone. 

But, what is the real feeling about those activities? We’ve conducted a survey asking 1250 workers across the UK, what was their opinion on team building exercises. 

Comparing the results across the country, we noticed some interesting insights...

Not surprisingly, younger people (18-34) value team building much more, whereas older people (35-65) seem to prefer attending skills-based training sessions. 


Scottish workers just want to do their jobs, they are not interested netihter in team building activities, nor in skills-based training.

People in Wales tend to believe in team building exercises as the 44% of respondents think that they boost productivity.

English employees are the most interested in the skills-based training, rather than team building activities; even if they tend to find them useful for the morale.